What Are Subliminal Audios And How Do They Work?

Are you tired of setting goals and never reaching them? Do you struggle with negative self-talk and limiting beliefs? If so, subliminal audios can help! Subliminal audios are a powerful tool for reprogramming your subconscious mind and manifesting your desires. In this blog post, we'll explore what subliminal audios are, what the subconscious mind is, how subliminals work, why someone would want to use subliminal audios to reprogram their subconscious mind, how effective subliminal audios can be, and where you can listen to subliminal audios, including The Healing Mind App.

What are subliminal audios?

Subliminal audios are recordings that use positive affirmations or messages that are just below the level of conscious awareness. The idea behind subliminal audios is that by bypassing the conscious mind, the positive affirmations can be absorbed and integrated into the subconscious mind more easily. This can help to reprogram limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns, allowing you to manifest your desires more easily. According to the Law of Assumption, whatever you assume to be true, your subconscious mind will accept as true and work to manifest in your life.


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What is the subconscious mind?

The subconscious mind is a powerful and often misunderstood part of our minds. It's the part of our mind that operates below our level of conscious awareness, controlling our automatic functions such as breathing, heartbeat, and digestion. The subconscious mind also stores our beliefs, habits, and memories which can either support or sabotage our goals and desires. It’s primary job is to follow the instructions of the conscious mind and prove whatever the conscious mind thinks, is true.

Neville Goddard, a renowned spiritual teacher, teaches that the subconscious mind is responsible for manifesting our desires into reality. Therefore, anything that is impressed upon your subconscious mind will eventually birth itself into existence in the physical plane.

During childhood, our subconscious mind is like a sponge, soaking up everything around us, from our parents and caregivers to society and the media. It's during these formative years that our beliefs, values, and habits are established, often without our conscious awareness. For example, if we grow up in a household where money is scarce, we may develop a limiting belief that we'll never be wealthy, even if we consciously want to be. Similarly, if we're bombarded with negative messages from the media or society, we may internalize these messages and develop negative beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. It's important to recognize the impact that our early experiences can have on our subconscious programming, and to take steps to reprogram any limiting beliefs that may be holding us back from manifesting our desires.

Why use subliminal audios to reprogram your subconscious mind?

One way you can reprogram your subconscious mind is through the use of subliminal audios. These audios, which contain affirmations or suggestions that bypass the conscious mind, can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and create positive changes in your life. By listening to subliminal audios regularly, you can reinforce positive beliefs, attitudes, and habits, and overcome negative ones that may be holding you back. When combined with a mindful approach to your thoughts and beliefs on a conscious level, the use of subliminal audios can be a powerful tool for manifesting your desires.

For example, if you're struggling with self-doubt or limiting beliefs, subliminal audios can help you to reprogram these beliefs and replace them with positive, empowering beliefs. Subliminal audios can also help you to overcome fears and phobias, improve your self-esteem, and increase your motivation and focus. By programming your subconscious mind with positive beliefs and habits, you can create the mindset and habits necessary to achieve your goals and manifest your desires.

How do subliminal audios work?

Subliminal audios work by using positive affirmations that are recorded at a frequency that is too low for the conscious mind to hear, but is audible to the subconscious mind, usually under a relaxing music track. These affirmations are designed to bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind, which is the part of our mind that filters information and decides what to accept or reject.

When you listen to a subliminal audio, the positive affirmations are absorbed by your subconscious mind without being filtered by the conscious mind. This allows the affirmations to directly impact your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors at a deeper level, without any conscious resistance.

Over time, as you continue to listen to subliminal audios regularly, your subconscious mind starts to accept these positive affirmations as true. As a result, your beliefs and attitudes start to shift, and you begin to manifest the things you desire.

It's important to note that subliminal audios are not a magic pill or a quick fix solution. They are a tool that can help you reprogram your subconscious mind and change your beliefs, but they require regular and consistent use to produce results.

How effective are subliminal audios?

The effectiveness of subliminal audios depends on a number of factors, including the quality of the audio, the content of the affirmations, and the individual listener's receptiveness to the messages. That said, there is a growing body of research supporting the effectiveness of subliminal audios. For example, a study published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology found that subliminal messages related to health behaviors can have a positive effect on behavior change. Another study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology found that subliminal messages can help to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How do I use subliminal audios to reprogram my subconscious?

Using subliminal audios to reprogram your subconscious mind is easy and requires only a few steps. Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Choose the right subliminal audio: First, you need to choose the right subliminal audio for your specific needs. For example, if you want to improve your self-esteem, you'll want to choose an audio that's specifically designed for that purpose.

  2. Find a quiet, relaxing space: Next, find a quiet, relaxing space where you won't be disturbed. This could be a quiet room in your house or a comfortable spot outside in nature.

  3. Listen to the audio regularly: Once you've chosen the right subliminal audio and found a quiet space, it's time to start listening to the audio regularly. We recommend listening to the audio for 1 hour per day for ~30 days, ideally in the morning or before bed. However, you can also listen while doing simple work, on a walk or other laid back activities that don’t require a lot of conscious focus.

  4. Relax and let the affirmations do their work: As you listen to the subliminal audio, try to relax and let the affirmations do their work. Most subliminal audios have positive affirmations embedded under a music track so you don't need to consciously focus during the audio; just let the affirmations sink into your subconscious mind and do their magic.

  5. Be patient and persistent: Finally, be patient and persistent. It may take some time for the subliminal audios to start producing results, so don't get discouraged if you don't see immediate changes (although it’s not uncommon to start seeing signs within a few days!). Keep listening to the audios regularly and trust that the positive affirmations are working to reprogram your subconscious mind.

By following these steps and using subliminal audios regularly, you can start to reprogram your subconscious mind and manifest your desires. And remember, The Healing Mind App is a great resource for finding high-quality subliminal audios for all your needs.

Where can I listen to subliminal audios?

There are many places where you can listen to subliminal audios, including YouTube, Spotify, and other streaming platforms. However, if you're looking for a high-quality, comprehensive app that is specifically designed for subliminal audio programming, we recommend The Healing Mind App. This app features a variety of subliminal audios, including audios for manifesting wealth, improving self-love, increasing discipline, and more. The app is easy to use and features a sleek, intuitive interface that makes it easy to find the right audio for your needs.

Start your free trial of The Healing Mind App here:

Morgan Sachs

Hi, I’m Morgan — as a quantum energy healer & psychic medium I use my intuitive and energetic gifts to help you heal the past life, childhood and generational energy blocks that keep you stuck, so you can come back to your Self and manifest your true desires the feminine way — with softness, ease and trust.


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